Green Roofing

Commercial and Industrial Roofer

We handle all types of roof systems, specializing in industrial.

Call today for your free estimate at 713-943-0301

We provide green roofing in Houston, Galveston, Austin, San Antonio, Baytown, Beaumont, Corpus Christi, Dallas and Ft Worth.

Green roofing supplements the traditional vegetation without disrupting urban infrastructure, taking a neglected space and making a thing of beauty.

Green roofing will last longer than a conventional roof, reducing the energy costs using natural insulation, while creating a peaceful retreat. They also utilize most of the rain water, decreasing the need for a costly drainage system.

Two types of green roofing exist: intensive and extensive. Intensive green roofs are essentially elevated parks. They can sustain shrubs, trees, walkways and benches with their complex structural support, irrigation, drainage and root protection layers. The foot or more of growing medium needed for an intensive green roof creates a load of up to 150 pounds per square foot. Extensive green roofs are relatively light around 50 pounds per square foot. They support ground cover that requires very little maintenance. Extensive green roofs usually exist solely for their environmental benefits and usually don’t function as accessible rooftop gardens.

In a medical facility, green roofing can be a wonderful break for patients and employees to find a peaceful environment on the roof of the building: providing relaxation with a pleasing haven, a place where someone can relieve stress. A new construction medical facility located in Katy, Texas, wanted to provide this kind of place utilizing creating a green roof to improve morale for the staff and patients alike.

green roof can be characterized as a man green -made garden that is installed on the roof of a building. It is maintained the same way as a garden, covering a part of the roof with a growing medium and vegetation. Installed over a waterproof membrane, the green roofing provides an extremely high R-value for the building

Green roofing protects the underlying roofing membrane from the weather as well as ultraviolet (UV) radiation, allowing them to last twice as long traditional roofs. Green roofs also have a fairly stable surface temperature, remaining at air temperature or cooler while traditional rooftops can soar up to 90º F (32º C) above air temperature [Source: EPA]. The extra growing medium and vegetation insulates the building from intense temperatures and minimizes heat gain. According to a Canadian study, even a six-inch extensive green roof can reduce summer energy demands by 75 percent.

The benefits of green roofing are enticing for eco-minded homeowners and businesses as well. Green roofs handle water runoff and drainage overflowing issues. The Vegetation and soil act as a sponge, absorbing and filtering water that would normally plunge down gutters, wash through polluted streets and over-tax sewer systems. A green roof’s plants remove air particulates, produce oxygen and provide shade. They use heat energy during evapotranspiration, a natural process that cools the air as water evaporates from plant leaves.

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Single ply systems

The cold process has largely taken over throughout recent decades for good reason. Variations of this include EPDM (Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer) a rubber product, as well as TPO (Thermoplastic Polyolefin) and PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride). We look forward to discussing repairs or your best option for a brand new application.

Torch down systems

This method entails multiple layers of rolled out sheets that are torched together. It is a tough layering that does a reliable job in providing the flat-roof protection your business needs.

Restoration Coating System

An economical way to restore and renew your existing roof system and reduce roof top temperatures with its highly reflective top coat, adding many years of life back to your existing roof system and renewable warranty options.

However, that is not the full story of our firm; we also provide roof system repair and maintenance program is something you will want to strongly consider to ensure the high functioning and safety of your property. When problems are noticed on a roof system, the sooner a breach in weatherproofing is dealt with the better. In so many cases, thousands could have been saved if a trained professional had caught it early.

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